Scientific progress report November 2005

Bruno A. Walther & Carsten Rahbek

Data acquisition
After having contacted about 300 individuals or organizations via mail or email asking for data or references and entered the data that we received into our Access© database resulting in more than 60000 individual records on Palearctic migrants in Africa (see previous progress reports), we now have also incorporated data from several internet sources, e.g. the data made accessible at the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) website

We have also entered more than 4000 citations into an Endnote© reference library, with most of them containing data on Palearctic migratory birds in Africa.

Database publication
We have set up a data portal on this website which makes data accessible to any user.  We also updated the entire website, including the species list, the internet links, and the acknowledgments.


Schäffer N, Walther BA, Gutteridge K, Rahbek C (2006). The African migration and wintering grounds of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. Bird Conservation International 16 (In press).

Walther BA (2006). The winter distribution and habitat use of the near-threatened cinereous bunting Emberiza cineracea. Sandgrouse (In press).

Walther BA, Wisz MS, Rahbek C (2004). Known and predicted African winter distributions and habitat use of the endangered Basra reed warbler (Acrocephalus griseldis) and the near-threatened cinereous bunting (Emberiza cineracea). Journal of Ornithology 145: 287-299.

Walther BA, Rahbek C (2002). Where do Palearctic migratory birds overwinter in Africa? Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 96: 4-8.