The Amazon drainage basin (Amazonia) contains the largest continuous area of tropical rainforest
in the world and is the most species-rich terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. In biogeographical terms,
the Amazon rainforest is still somewhat of a mystery, beset by data shortfalls in many taxonomic
groups, lacking systematic surveys and faced with the challenge of collecting and collating data
over a vast area. Nevertheless, considerable progress has been made over the last 20 years,
leading to new insights from diverse fields of study. One of the most exciting developments has
been the creation of large international research networks which are collating and synthesizing
information from widely scattered permanent botanical plots. Data from these networks and other
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studies are providing valuable new insights on contemporary biodiversity patterns and processes
in Amazonia. Here we review the major findings of these networks and discuss the factors that
correlate with and may explain the spatial distribution of Amazonian tree species and the factors
that may underpin the emergent patterns of functional traits and diversity across the Amazon
Basin. | |