This is a list
of internet links to other sites related to bird migration (last updated July
2002). Please let us know of any other
interesting sites! ●
The African Bird Club publishes the Bulletin of the African
Bird Club that reports on sightings of migratory birds in http://www.africanbirdclub.org/ ●
The African-Eurasian Migratory (Waterbird)
Agreement is the largest agreement developed so far under
the Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) and came into force on http://www.unep-aewa.org/meetings/en/mop/mop3_docs/daily_coverage/day1_mop3_23oct_coverage.htm ● The Avian
Demography Unit at the http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/stats/adu/
The Bird Migration Group at the Department
of Animal Ecology at the http://orn-lab.ekol.lu.se/birdmigration/
The Common Swift (Apus apus) website is dedicated
to tracking the migration of the common swift: ●
The Convention on Migratory Species website lists all the
participating parties, has pdf-files of convention
texts, proceedings, recommendations and resolutions from meetings, its own
bulletin, and other news: ●
EURING, the European Union for Bird Ringing, is found on: ● The Global Register of
Migratory Species (GROMS) contains interactive maps of migrating species, pdf-files of several publications and links to purchase the
book on the topic: Riede K. 2001. The Global
Register of Migratory Species – database, GIS maps and threat analysis. Landwirtschaftsverlag, ●
The Institut für
Vogelforschung "Vogelwarte
Helgoland" has a webpage in German that
reports on the ringing work done at the institute and some of the results from
that work: ●
Journey North, a Global Study of Wildlife Migration, is a programme in which North American students participate in
observing migration across the North American continent: http://www.learner.org/jnorth/
The Max-Planck-Research-Centre for Ornithology investigates
neural and endocrine mechanisms of migration and how they relate to temporal
patterns and decision-making processes, e.g. the decision of a bird to migrate
or to stop-over. Problems of spatial
orientation, of energetics and water balance, organ
flexibility, and general migration strategies are also investigated: ●
Migrating Birds Know No Boundaries is a site maintained by
the International Center for the Study of Bird Migration of the Israel
Ornithological Center. The site reports
on the study of bird migration in http://www.birds.org.il/show_item.asp?levelId=457
Migration Watch is a site maintained by the British Trust of
Ornithology that tracks the progress of migrants through http://www.bto.org/migwatch/index.htm
The programmme Optimality in Bird Migration
is another EU-funded research programme that combines
the efforts of more than a dozen research groups across http://www.esf.org/esf_article.php?language=0&activity=1&domain=3&article=92&page=324
Other internet sources: (1) The text
of Global Overview of Arctic Migratory Breeding Birds Outside
the Arctic by D. A. Scott can be found by typing this title into any search
engine, e.g. |